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Pet Food Industry News

July 08, 2022

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds

Alice Tell You Something About Chia Seeds - Superfoods for Cats and Dogs

One customer asked me why your cat treats contain chia seeds, what is it? 

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds

For many people, chia seeds should be very unfamiliar, and chia seeds should be very familiar for those who exercise or lose weight. Compared to the price of salmon, chia seeds are one of the most cost-effective omega supplements, and chia seeds also provide protein, fiber and other nutrients.

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds originate from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, which grew in Mexico and originated in the Mayan and Aztec cultures.  It has a long history of consumption and cultivation.

"Chia" means energy, and folklore believes that the Mayan Aztecs used this tiny black and white seed as an energy supplement, one of their four staple foods. Chia seeds are a healthy mix of omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, protein, fiber and calcium.

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds


Chia seeds turn into a gel when in contact with water, and they make an excellent food supplement for cats with constipation. The fluid quality of the submerged substance improves bowel movements and increases the situation.

Chia seeds have unique nutritional advantages that can greatly enhance a cat's immune system, eyes, bones and fur.

Chia seeds should be a cost-effective food for cats and dogs. Because the seeds themselves have a moderately subtle taste and smell, they're likely to be eaten by even the pickiest eater. Plus, the multi-faceted preparation method gives you the flexibility to feed chia seeds to cats and dogs.

Chia seeds are so rich in valuable nutrients that early civilizations believed chia seeds were attractive for their ability to enhance stamina and overall health.

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds

03  Top 10 Benefits of Chia Seeds

  •  Lose weight: What makes chia seeds such great weight-loss food is their excellent fiber content. The fiber in chia seeds helps keep you full for longer. It increases satiety. The seeds absorb water from the abdomen and then swell, reducing appetite. As a result, it can eventually lead to weight loss.

  • Antioxidants: Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are not only good for cells, but also skin because they slow the signs of aging. Antioxidants in chia seeds have also been observed to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

  • Digestion: The ability of chia seeds to slow digestion may be linked to preventing diabetes. The viscous coating form of chia seeds can prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

  • Reduce cholesterol: The fatty acids present in chia seeds will help lower blood cholesterol and prevent coronary heart disease. The monounsaturated fats in chia seeds help lower cholesterol levels.

  • Vitamin: Chia seeds are full of B vitamins, zinc, iron, and magnesium, all of which boost energy levels.

  • High protein: Chia seeds contain 19% protein. High-protein foods can reduce hunger and promote satiety. Chia seeds also include high-quality protein with all the essential amino acids.

  • Promote psychology: Chia seeds, considered a superfood, should boost your mood when consumed regularly. Omega-3 fatty acids present in chia seeds have been linked to enhanced mood and behavior.

  • Calcium: Chia seeds are a calcium-rich food that can increase your pet's calcium intake, promote bone health, and maintain healthy bones and teeth. Chia seeds are also rich in phosphorus, which can also enhance bone health.

  • Omega-3: Chia seeds are one of the most beneficial anti-inflammatory foods with omega-3, fiber and protein.

  • Sleep: Sleep requires two hormones. It is serotonin and melatonin. These two hormones are produced from tryptophan, an amino acid in the body. Chia seeds high in tryptophan help with good sleep

   Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds


There are vital nutrients present in chia seeds that enhance the health of cats and dogs, and nutritional benefits are essential, including fiber, antioxidants, protein, vitamins A, B, E and D, calcium, protein, and essential minerals.

The high protein content has a reducing effect on appetite, which can be excellent for cats and dogs looking to lose weight. Absorbency is also high; they can help with hydration. It has no taste or smell, so pets basically eat it.


How to feed them to cats or dogs?

You can feed chia seeds whole or mashed. You can also soak them in water before giving them to your cat or dog. Soaking chia seeds can improve the nutrient release and improve digestibility. When absorbed, it turns into a gel-like form. After ingesting water-soaked chia seeds, the stretch in the stomach helps reduce food absorption.

The fiber content helps keep the digestive area clean while absorbing toxins and increasing peristaltic flow. Chia seeds are also very useful for constipation in cats. You can grind some chia seeds and add them to yogurt, cans, and pour the mixture into your cat's feeding bowl. Likewise, you can use chia seeds as a supplement in your daily diet and mix the seeds with cat or dog food.

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds


Can cats eat chia seeds?

Through the above introduction, I believe everyone should be clear. The answer is yes, dogs are omnivores and cats are carnivores, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with cats eating them because chia seeds are full of essential vitamins and nutrients that cats need to stay healthy and happy. Chia seeds are popular among the weight-loss crowd, and they are also becoming the latest fashion superfood for pets abroad. It is known for its energy-boosting properties.

Superfoods for Cats and Dogs: Chia Seeds

If you wanna get more knowledge about pet treats (dog treats, cat treats, dog dental snacks, and rawhide dog chews, rawhide dog treats), welcome to visit CTPET food website:,, 

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Tai'an Chaotai Pet Products Co., Ltd.

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